Reviews should be between 1000-1500 words long. The Editors reserve the right to shorten the reviewer’s text if needed, with any substantial changes subject to the author’s final approval.
At the top of the review, please list the bibliographic information in the following format:
First name Last name. Title. Series information if any. Place: Publisher, year. ISBN. Page numbers [Roman + Arabic]. Additional features [illustrations, bibliography, index], e.g.:
Karin Hyldal Christensen, The Making of the New Martyrs of Russia: Soviet Repression in Orthodox Memory. London, UK: Routledge, 2018. ISBN 978-0-415-78696-6. xi + 234 pages.
Please, use double spacing and Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
Reviews should not have footnotes. References to specific pages in the book being reviewed can be made as follows: (p. 38) or (pp. 38-41).
Foreign terms must be italicised, not underlined. We use the Library of Congress transliteration system for Slavic languages.
At the bottom of your review, please list your name and affiliation, flush right.
When your review is ready, please e-mail it as a Word.doc/.docx attachment to
Reviewers keep the copy of the book reviewed. They also receive an off-print of their review and a copy of the issue of Serbian Studies in which their review is published.
Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover, Editor-In-Chief